Anova Raises the Flag on Men’s Health Awareness in June

As we embrace the month of June, it is crucial to turn our attention to a matter often overlooked but of utmost importance: men's health. Men face unique health challenges that require awareness, proactive action, and open conversations. Men's Health Month, celebrated in June, serves as a timely reminder to prioritize the well-being of men, encourage early screening, detection, and prevention to promote overall wellness.

The Health4Men programme by Anova Health Institute offers a valuable space for men to access healthcare facilities and openly discuss their concerns in a safe environment. In this article, we shed light on some of the events happening during this month to emphasise the significance of building strong support networks. These events are aimed at creating a platform where men can connect with health care providers, friends, family, and peers, and foster an environment for open conversations about wellness.

We invite all men to the events taking place in various districts in Gauteng as follows:

City of Johannesburg

  • 15-17 June 2023: National Men's Conference in Soweto


  • 21 June 2023: Men’s Dialogue in Levai Mbatha, Evaton

Men's Health Awareness Month is a reminder that every man's health matters. By embracing a holistic approach to health, we can empower men to live healthier, happier lives. Let us raise the flag on men's health awareness, engage in open conversations, and work together to keep men strong and healthy.

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