Excellent health for all

Academic Detailing

Anova is currently engaging doctors in the private sector through the Yellow Dot Doctor campaign.


This campaign involves the interaction of an Anova employee, referred to as an Academic Detailer, with a General Practitioner (GP) between patient consultations through academic detailing (AD).

AD is education-based outreach, and this method involves face-to-face education of prescribers doctors by trained healthcare professionals, typically pharmacists, physicians, or nurses. The goal of academic detailing is to improve prescribing of pharmaceutical drugs in consistency with continuous medical evidence from randomised controlled trials. AD is also used to educate providers regarding other non-drug interventions with an aim to improve patient care. Anova Health Institute is using this method to promote key health messages for men who have sex with men (MSM) who consult privately for healthcare services.

Two Academic Detailers identify GPs within designated areas and visit them regularly to provide educational material and train GPs on MSM sexual health with an aim to improve the clinical competency of GPs on MSM sexual health. Currently this detailing is happening in the Gauteng, Western Cape, Mpumalanga and Kwazulu-Natal provinces.