Excellent health for all

Management Training

Anova became an accredited training organisation through SABPP (South African Board of People Practice) in May 2016.


The accreditation was underpinned by our Management Performance Programme (MPP), designed to develop Facility Managers in Management Best Practice in a way that integrates and supports the Department of Health’s objective for the Ideal Clinic and UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals.

The MPP has 12 modules that each address key topics essential to primary healthcare (PHC) management. A key component to the course is the practical experience where learners must apply theoretical concepts in the classroom into skills in their workplace. There are formative and summative assessments aligned to the unit standards for each module that is assessed.

Many of the managers who are in strategic positions in clinics or PHC facilities are in that position because they have proved competence as good Professional Nurses. In most cases they do not have the necessary management skills to run a large facility let alone adapt to the changing PHC landscape. This programme equips managers with the necessary skills to assist them in improving all elements of facility management as well achieve the set goals by the Department of Health.

Currently our MPP is training managers in Gauteng and Mopani.